134 Bellevue Drive

Estimated Home Value Range

Low Estimated High
$152,577 $152,577 $393,162

Analysis: Your home of interest was recently on the market (2019-03-02) and had a price adjustment of -3%. Its size of 2,553 Sqft is in the upper 50 percentile of selected comparables. Its last asking price of $154,900, at $61 Sqft, is in the lower 50 percentile of our selected sold homes of similar location and size.

Previous Sales

134 Bellevue Drive - Previous Sale

Often a good comparable sale to consider, when valuing a home for a listing or offer price, is a recent sale of the same home. This home did have 1 previous sales within our database, the most recent occuring in 2021.

Same Street Sales - Last 3 Years

  Low Average High
Price $174,000 $233,640 $305,000
Price Sqft $52 $101 $154
Size Sqft 1,650 2,470 3,456
On Market 8 Days 60 Days 246 Days

134 Bellevue Drive

 The Basics
  • Price: Sign In
  • Bedrooms: Bathrooms: 3
  • Subdivision: Bainbridge
  • Garages: 2 Acres: 0
  • High School: Hazel Green

Neighborhood Sales

Bainbridge Recent Sales

With 52 recent sales in the neighborhood, the average sales price is $245,981. The following charts highlight the average overall sales activity within the neighborhood over the last three years.

Neighborhood Sales - Last 3 Years

  Low Average High
Price $160,000 $245,981 $329,900
Price Sqft $52 $109 $154
Size Sqft 1,600 2,365 4,060
On Market 8 Days 61 Days 246 Days

Per Year - Recent Sales

  2024 2023 2022 2021
# Sold 3 12 16 21
Avg Price $269,167 $263,574 $264,916 $218,190
Price Sqft $129 $114 $117 $97
Avg DOM 99 Days 78 Days 43 Days 58 Days
Recent Solds Nearby

Exploring recently sold homes nearby is another way to investigate your home value. This sold home map enables you to examine all recently sold homes nearby your selected location.